Infographic: Data breaches in the workplace

In a world where data moves instantly and the news-cycle is minute to minute, it is sometimes hard to get a handle on the sheer number of cybercrimes that occur.

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August 28, 2024
Written by
Maxime Cartier
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In a world where data moves instantly and the news-cycle is minute to minute, it is sometimes hard to get a handle on the sheer number of cybercrimes that occur. According to Norton, there's about 2,200 attacks a day or 803,000 a year.

And because of the amount of attacks, what's lost is the scope of them. How much are they costing companies? And who is getting breached more than others? We scoured the latest data and reports in order to make this handy infographic so that you (and any of your cybersec/infosec friends) can have some handy takeaways.

Without further ado, here it is: 

Infographic showing statistics on data breaches in the work
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