Infographic: Gamification in the workplace

Gamification helps the end user understand that their actions matter, and that every click they make can have an effect. Intermittent and unexpected rewards break up monotony and keep people on their toes and wanting to play. And it’s a great way to have fun, be competitive with your workmates while also training against phishing attacks and other malicious cybercrimes.

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August 28, 2024
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While it may be easy to put “professional skills” into a separate box than, say, “skills”, the fact is that building skills of any kind takes hard work and dedication on behalf of the learner. Think about it laterally: if you had a better idea of how far along you were in your learning journey, you’d be more excited to get to the next step. If you were only 2 more right answers away from mastering a new skill or ability, then you’d be more apt to learning what they correct answers or procedures were. This is where gamification comes into play.

The more cynical folks out there might scoff at gamification and relegate it to kids playing Super Mario (my generation!) or Fortnite (the youths!), whereas an erudite professional would point towards gamification being the central part of so many different kinds of learning journeys. Take Duolingo, for example. They’ve helped reportedly over 500 million people learn a language, all with a cute owl helping you play what are essentially small language games.

While we at Hoxhunt take a huge amount of pride in our product and the importance it plays in the fight against cybercrime, we do use gamification as a central element in our product design. It helps the end user understand that their actions matter, and that every click they make can have an effect. Intermittent and unexpected rewards break up monotony and keep people on their toes and wanting to play.

And it’s a great way to have fun, be competitive with your workmates while also training against phishing attacks and other malicious cybercrimes. Without further ado, here’s an infographic with some great takeaways about the benefits of gamification in the workplace.

Infographic showing statistics about gamification in the workplace
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