case study

Global Packaging Company Protects Against Social Engineering

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HQ in Austria
20+ Sites in 10+ Countries


The customer wanted to find a way to give their employees a sustainable way to learn how to protect themselves and the company against social engineering attacks.


The company decided to choose Hoxhunt as the solution is scaleable across the multiple current and future locations without creating additional load on the IT and security teams.

Key takeaways:
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Hoxhunt's customer is one of the leading providers of packaging solutions in Europe with employees in more than 20 sites in over 10 European countries. Our customer provides packaging solutions for the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and hygiene industries.

The company's mission is to offer innovative, efficient, and sustainable packaging solutions tailored exactly to the requirements of its customers.

Reliability is one of the company's core values and the organization has always been focusing on being able to deliver results to its customers. With the growing amount of sophisticated cyber attacks that have caused havoc in the manufacturing industry, our customer set out a mission to secure their employees and their production facilities.

The Challenge: Finding a Sustainable and Personalized Employee Security Training

As the company had been growing rapidly and expanding its physical presence geographically, the management and consolidation of the heterogeneous IT infrastructure were becoming increasingly complex.

An equally important part of the security puzzle is the case company's employees. Social engineering attacks such as phishing emails were reaching more commonly the employees' inboxes. The security team wanted to find a way to provide its employees with a sustainable way to learn how to protect themselves and the company against cyber threats.

Part of the challenge was that the customer has a distributed workforce in several countries speaking multiple different languages. This presented a large surface for attacks. The phishing attacks have also started to get more sophisticated. The security team noticed that employees were receiving attacks in their native language even in the smaller regions.

The company wanted to find a solution that could provide the employees with the right training to develop the necessary skills and attitude to develop a strong cybersecurity culture. The team was looking for a solution that could personalize the training based on the location and roles of the employees. As the IT and security organization already have their hands full of integrating the growing group, they wanted a solution that could take care of the training without needing extra resources from the customer's internal IT team.

Why Hoxhunt?

The company decided to choose Hoxhunt as the solution is scaleable across the multiple current and future locations without creating additional load on the IT and security teams. The security team liked the Hoxhunt way of delivering education and improving security engagement as part of the employees' everyday workflow. Previously, they had seen how difficult and time-consuming it can be to provide relevant training content in an engaging way.

The customer's main objective was to make sure that the employees would be capable to detect phishing emails and would know how they need to react once they encounter threats. One of the key reasons for choosing Hoxhunt was that they liked the employee-first approach of the Hoxhunt solution. Their vision was that cybersecurity training would be positive and rewarding instead of negative and penalizing. This purpose matched well with how Hoxhunt had built the solution.

With Hoxhunt, the customer was also able to streamline the reporting process of actual threats that the employees were receiving across different locations. This gave the security team better data and an overview of what threats employees were receiving.

Solution and Results

The customer has been using the Hoxhunt solution for the last 5 months and the results have been outstanding. The company has been able to strengthen its cybersecurity culture. They have also seen increasing engagement rates: people adopted the solution extremely well, they react and participate in the training at a much higher rate than previously with other tools or educational platforms.

The onboarding and GoLive of Hoxhunt were completed within two weeks including the technical implementation and the pre-launch communication to end-users. The Hoxhunt Customer Success team has worked closely with the customer's team to support them throughout the implementation process and beyond.

They have already been seeing a great impact in terms of user behavior and employees have been much more aware of possible threats. Best of all, the employees have learned how to report suspicious emails with the help of Hoxhunt. The continuous learning that the Hoxhunt platform provides and the fact that users get simulated attacks depending on their level results in a solution that will create a sustainable protective shield for the customer.


The customer has been able to utilize the reporting tool that is integrated into Hoxhunt. This has given them visibility to how their users are engaging with the training, how the resilience of the organization is evolving, and what kind of real threats are being reported.

After they implemented Hoxhunt the users started reporting emails more, thus the visibility on attack types increased so that now the security team is aware of what kind of attacks are threatening the organization. With this information, they’re able to prevent and stop potential threats with the shorter response times. This saves the IT security team resources as the manual work is reduced significantly as well as it has lead to a stronger focus on threats that require immediate action.

Want to match these results?
Hoxhunt adaptive phishing training dramatically increases training engagement and security resilience.
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